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North Isles Traditional Skills Training

Wool production in North Ronaldsay
Key Information:


Time Span:

April 2019 – March 2022


Throughout The Isles

This project will provide North Isles residents and businesses with the chance to learn and re-engage with traditional skills and knowledge.

The project will engage with the North Isles communities and businesses, providing training in traditional skills and knowledge including drystone dyking, repair and maintenance of traditional masonry structures, carsie (flood defence) restoration, handicrafts, and traditional arts and crafts workshops. These are all skills which have historically been important in the North Isles. Training would be aimed at people looking to develop new skills which could be of benefit to them as they continue to live within the North Isles communities. All of the training will allow people within the North Isles to continue the traditional skills in their communities, allowing these skills to be enhanced and sustained for future generations.

Having reviewed the types of skills which hold historical importance in the North Isles, as well as considering their potential role within the existing communities, a suite of training opportunities will be procured for local delivery. The training will aim to build the capacity of the local work force by gaining new traditional, conservation and other practical skills. This training aims to enhance the sustainable benefits for the future, well beyond the implementation phase of the scheme.

It is intended that the successful completion of this project will enable a legacy of upskilling the local communities to be achieved. The project will also embed these skills back into the local communities, allowing them to continue to grow and establish once again. This project will ultimately contribute towards the future sustainability of these traditional skills within the North Isles. Such an achievement will ensure a lasting legacy from the project for future generations to benefit from.

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